Lecture Archive

The Covenant of Grace as Manifested in the Marks of the Church

In 2010, the Reformed Witness Committee of Hope sponsored a three-part conference that studied God’s covenant of grace with his people as it relates to the marks of His church. A true church of God is known if it demonstrates these three attributes: 1) pure preaching the gospel, 2) proper administration the sacraments, and 3) exercising Christian discipline. The urgency of this conference is due to the widespread neglect of these marks in the church world today.

The Necessity of Membership within a True Church of Jesus Christ

In 2016, the Reformed Witness Committee of Hope sponsored a lecture that studied church membership in light of God’s Word and Belgic Confession Article 28. Many reject the idea that church membership is a vital necessity for a Christian, but Professor David Engelsma confronts this issue in the lecture.