The Hope PRC Reformed Witness Committee is excited to announce our new podcast, Hope PR Ministry. We will be regularly posting to our podcast different series, including ‘Daily Devotionals from the Psalms’ by Rev. Heys, Lord’s Day sermons, weekly topical speeches, and more. Our first speech will be on Homosexuality by Rev. De Boer.
Listen to and follow us on your favorite podcast platforms including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts, by searching for ‘Hope PR Ministry’. Please listen and share with your friends and neighbors.
Hope PR Ministry is our podcast which is available on all of your favorite platforms including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify. This channel posts daily devotionals, weekly sermons and weekly topical speeches. Our podcast has reached countries all over the world such as Malawi, Malaysia and Brazil and it is our goal to spread abroad the good news of the gospel.
Daily Devotionals from the Psalms is a podcast channel under Hope PR Ministry which are a series of daily devotionals originally written by Rev. John Heys. These devotionals were originally posted on Hope PR Ministry and were popular enough to merit their own channel.
Reformed Witness Committee
“Go ye into all the world…” Mark 16:15
In obedience to Jesus Christ, the King of the Church, we believe that Hope Protestant Reformed Church must, as a local congregation, preach the blessed gospel to all creatures, baptizing and teaching them to observe all things which Christ has commanded.
Every member of the congregation is called to carry out this work according to the measure of their God-given ability. With love for our neighbor, we spread the good news of the gospel to those we come in contact with (our neighbor) as well as let our “light so shine before men”… that others may “glorify your Father which is in heaven” Matthew 5:16.
At Hope Protestant Reformed Church, the Reformed Witness Committee also labors on behalf of the congregation, through the oversight of the consistory, to disseminate our distinctly Protestant Reformed views, based on the Word of God and the Reformed confessions, to those in our local area and also among those outside of the scope of our churches elsewhere.
Contact Form
For a free one-year subscription to the Standard Bearer, a publication of the Protestant Reformed Churches, please contact us using the contact form below. Beginning in 1924, this publication is devoted to explaining and defending Reformed doctrine, promoting the Reformed life of the Church and believer, and combating old and new errors that threaten to disrupt the Reformed faith and life.
Myanmar Mission
November 2010, Myanmar held their first ever free election. This
election though free was highly suspicious of lacking integrity. The
tyrannical military regime majority ruled the country, but with greater
free democracy party (NLD) influence.
November 2015, Myanmar held their second free election with a result
of the NLD party winning big at the polls. This placed the military
party in the minority and the beginning of the new president of Myanmar,
Aung San Suu Kyi.
November 2020, Myanmar held their third free election with a result
of a greater NLD party victory leaving the military to about 25%
February 1, 2021, the military party claiming election fraud, staged a
nationwide coup of the new ruling government. As a result, there have
been massive citizen protests, military arrests of government
officials, killing of protestors. The military claims to want to
eventually reconduct an election. This military junta is the same
organization that tyrannically ruled Myanmar for over 30 years previous
to 2010. They are very anti-Christian like China or North Korea.
The citizens continue to protest, but the various states are
beginning to unite to resist the military by force. Myanmar is
descending into civil war. The country is shutdown. The economy is on
the brink of collapse. All members of the PRCM are not working.
Shooting and explosions are heard daily in Yangon and in other major
Even the afflictions sovereignly given by the Lord to His people are
blessings. An evident blessing is that most of the congregation of the
Hope PRCM located close by the church have been able to gather for
worship the past few months. At times members walk to church in fear
that they will be shot by a soldier on the way. Recently, the Hope PRCM
celebrated Lord’s Supper.
Rev. Titus has been spending a large amount of time working on the
KJV translation of the Old Testament. The New Testament, Psalms, and
Proverbs has been completed. In the past six months, Rev. Titus has
translated from the middle of I Kings to the beginning of Jeremiah (in
order). It is this work especially, that we would like to report to you
Early History & Purpose
Rev. Titus began the work of translating the Bible into Burmese a
little over 10 years ago. Before this, the commonly used Bible in the
hands of the laity was the Arminian slanted Judson Bible translated by
Adoniram Judson completed around 1835. This translation is woefully
lacking many important passages found in the KJV. Many passages are
misleading regarding the work of God in the salvation of His people in
the gospels. It would not be an overstatement to say that the Judson
Bible is an enemy of the Calvinistic Reformed Faith that we hold dear.
Rev. Titus waited many years for a larger Christian denomination to
take up this work. Rev. Titus has always felt extremely incapable for
the work. As time moved on, it became clear that no one was taking up
this work. Rev. Titus began to translate the KJV gospels for the sake
of his small congregation. As Rev. Titus did this, the congregation was
blessed with spiritual growth in the understanding of the Reformed
faith as accurately portrayed in our KJV. This served as encouragement
for Rev. Titus to continue on to the next section and then to the next.
In time, the entire New Testament was complete.
Recent History & Conclusion
Before the completion of the New Testament, Rev. Titus completed the
translation of the first five books of Moses. After the completion of
the New Testament translation, Rev. Titus moved on to the translation of
the Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and completed that in just the
last 12- 18 months. About a year ago as the world was in lockdown, Rev.
Titus resumed the Old Testament in order beginning with Israel’s
history in books of Joshua and Judges and on the books of Samuel and
going in order in the Bible from there. As you can now see, due to
Covid lockdowns and recent military coup, the Lord has given Rev. Titus a
unique opportunity to make significant progress towards the finish
It should also be noted that after each section of translation is
completed, Rev. Titus has qualified scholars with expertise in the
English and Burmese language, office bearers, pastors, and church
members peer review his work for any inaccuracies and grammar mistakes.
This step is also tedious but equally important. We along with Rev.
Titus eagerly look forward soon, Lord willing, to the completion of this
very important work. Rev. Titus has faithfully and diligently spent
himself to see this to its completion. The Hope Council is humbled and
very encouraged to see the increased spread of the gospel by His Spirit
through Rev. Titus. Having an accurate translation in the hands of the
people of God will serve as a very important basis of which to develop
the truths of God’s Word and properly preach the gospel to the saints
elect in Christ Jesus for years to come. We are reminded of the promise
of God through His Spirit in Isaiah 40: 6 and I Peter 1:24-25, “For all
flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass.
The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word
of the Lord endureth forever. And this is the word which by the gospel
is preached unto you.” May the Word of God live forever in His elect
people through the generations by His gracious covenant faithfulness!
In conclusion, we as covenant people of the Lord, wait on Him and His
divine timing. As the Lord wills, the work is completed, and the
publishers are open for business, the Hope Literary Society of the Hope
PRCM intends to publish the full NBB Bible in bound form. Once the NBB
is published, there will be an immediate demand for copies. This demand
includes the members of the Hope PRCM, the several gathering groups
across Myanmar that are not yet organized as official congregations,
many other religious leaders and professors around Yangon and across the
country, and a number of other families and individuals scattered
throughout. May the name of our Heavenly Father be magnified and His
people gathered and fed by the Bread of Life.
In service of our Head Christ Jesus,
The Myanmar Committee (Hope PRC – Grand Rapids)
Rev. Titus regularly updates Hope’s congregation with the work that is going on in the Yangon Congregation and elsewhere in Myanmar.
- The Council of Hope PRC authorized a visit in January 2019. Click to read about the most recent delegation.
- The Council of Hope PRC authorized a visit in May 2017. Click the link for the agenda and the details of the visit
- Hope has sponsored a number of delegations to Myanmar in the past. Click the button to read about the delegation that was sent in February 2016.